"No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone that isn't trying."

Do you know you can access Schoology as a parent?

Email Ms. Tessier (Or any of your student’s other teachers) for the access code unique to your student. Then, you can see all their assignments, grades, comments, class materials and more. Watch the video here for detailed instructions.

Band students are expected to and agree to....
● Have a positive and respectful attitude
● Attend weekly lessons and concerts/performances
● Practice their music on weekends. Bring your instrument home! (Spoiler: we know when you don’t!)
● Take great care of instrument and music. Always store your music in your folder slot.

Band is a RESPONSIBILITY & PRIVILEGE for students.

Middle School Band Expectations

Instruments need to be in good working order at all times. Please contact Ms. Tessier if there are any dents, non-working parts, or other issues with your instrument immediately. DO NOT TRY TO FIX INSTRUMENTS ON YOUR OWN AT HOME. Students playing tuba, French horn, baritone or other school-owned instrument must pay a rental fee to Albany Area Schools each year and are required to for proper maintenance on that instrument. Instruments are stored at school in areas designated by Ms. Tessier.

Students needing basic supplies (reeds and oils) may bring money to school to purchase from the office. All reed players are expected to have four working reeds at all times.

Instruments, Supplies, and Repairs.


Sixth grade band students do not have lessons, however, 7th and 8th grade students do. The lesson time changes every other week to assure they do not miss one single class each week. Lesson goals follow this list.

Missed band lesson - 5/10 points
Attended band lesson, does not show progress - 8/10 points
Attended band lesson, shows progress - 10/10 points.

Students have a variety of lesson times available to choose from. They are expected to attend ONE per week. Please view the calendar below to see these times.

Students are asked to wear black dress clothes and dark colored shoes for all evening concert performances. No Tennis shoes. Skirts must hang below the knee. No bare shoulders or midriff. Ms. Tessier likes to wear fancy dresses - encourage and help your student look their very best; it's a concert! If a student cannot afford a set of dress clothes, please notify Ms. Tessier so that arrangements can be made to have a set purchased for them. Please put the concerts on your calendar. Other performance opportunities may occur during the year. You will be notified well in advance of dates and times. Concerts may be streamed live and by participating you agree to allow your student’s sound and image be recorded. If you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible.

Concert Attire & Attendance

Students will come to ONE lesson each week. There are a variety of choices available to them to fit their schedule. This attempt at the schedule (versus having a lesson assigned to a specific kid) is to avoid scheduling conflicts and provide flexibility. Lesson goals follow this list.